Mobile Home Park Magazines is custom printed for over 400 communities statewide. Each community provides up to 16 pages of editorial content. The content varies from community to community but usually includes a calendar of upcoming social events, resident news (achievements, birthdays, funerals, etc.), photos from recent community events, and other stories and items contributed by residents.

Each magazine is a unique to its community. Because of this, each magazine is more than light reading – it is a community resource.

If your community would like to publish a monthly magazine through the services of Mobile Home Park Magazines, please fill out the Letter of Intent below and email, mail or FAX it to us and we will contact you.

Please note: Submitting a Letter of Intent does not guarantee that we will print your magazine. MHPM will contact you upon receipt of your Letter of Intent to determine when we can accept your community.

Letter of Intent
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The MHB Group
1240-C Mtn View Alviso Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Phone: 408.744.1011
Toll Free: 800.828.8242
